小学英语|我的早餐 My Breakfast
  →作文|Early in the morning, before I go to school, I need to have my breakfast. My mother pays special attention to my breakfast, she te…〔10-02〕

大学英语|大学印象最深刻的同学 The Most Impressive Classmate in My College
  →作文|The first time for me to go into the campus, I was so excited about the college life, at the same time, I also worried about the p…〔10-01〕

小学英语|关于准时 About Punctuality
  →作文|When I have a date with my friends, I will always come the place earlier, I don’t like to be late. But I find many of my fri…〔09-30〕

小学英语|人山人海 The Crowded People
  →作文|n the first day of this year, I wake up early in the morning, I am so excited that I have a lot of plans....…〔09-29〕

大学英语|我对网络用语的看法 My View on Internet Slangs
  →作文|As the development of Internet, people like to use computer to do many things, we can say that computer has been part of our life.…〔09-23〕

大学英语|过度消费 on Over-Consumption

高中英语|空调病 The Illness From Air-condition
  →作文|When summer comes, the air is stuffy and the temperature is so high. Thanks to the invention of air-condition, people are no longe…〔09-20〕

高中英语|威尔史密斯 Will Smith
  →作文|Will Smith is a male actor in America, he is famous around the world, his movies are very popular. Smith has the black blood, but…〔09-19〕

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