小学英语|我是无名之卒 I am Nobody
  →作文|Everybody likes to make a difference, so that they can be remembered. Being the spot can make people feel the sense of pride. But…〔10-12〕

初中英语|团队的力量 The Power of Teamwork
  →作文|I am the only child in my family, so I get used to doing things by myself. Since I go to school, my teacher always gives us the ho…〔10-11〕

小学英语|可爱的小狗 Lovely Dog
  →作文|My grandparents have a dog, they have raised him for two years. It has yellow fur, so I call him little Yellow. Little Yellow reco…〔10-10〕

初中英语|真正的公主 The Real Princess
  →作文|In parents’ eyes, their daughters are princess, so every girl has the dream of being a princess. But most girls are spoiled…〔10-09〕

大学英语|关于一个和谐的宿舍 On a Harmonious Dormitory
  →作文|When September comes, it means the new semester begins. For the freshmen, they are so excited about the campus life, for they have…〔10-08〕

高中英语|如何提高成绩? How to Improve Study?
  →作文|High school students are under great pressure, they want to do best in the exams, because it means so much for them, if they do we…〔10-06〕

初中英语|私家车的坏处 The Disadvantages of Private Cars
  →作文|As the development of the world, our country’s economy has become more and more better, people’s life standard has bec…〔10-04〕

初中英语|私家车的好处 The Advantages of Private Cars
  →作文|Many years ago, the private car is expensive, there are not so many people can afford it. Since our country has joined WTO, the ec…〔10-03〕

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