高中英语|新的突破 The New Break Through
  →作文|It is known to all that track and field is dominated by black men, they run so fast and win many championships. Asian people can&r…〔09-16〕

高中英语|永远的偶像 The Eternal Idol
  →作文|One day, when I woke up and took out my cellphone to read the news, suddenly, the news about Michael Jackson’s death shocked…〔09-11〕

小学英语|节约用水 Save Water
  →作文|I get used to pouring away the water directly after I using it. Someday, my mother asked me to help her wash the clothes, as I was…〔09-05〕

大学英语|英语口语测试是否必要? Is the Test of Spoken English Necessary?
  →作文|Since we go to school, we have to learn English, English has been one of the main subjects. Most students learn English for the pu…〔08-23〕

小学英语|想念朋友 I Miss My Friend
  →作文|Last year, I moved to the Guangzhou with my parents, because my father changed his job. So I had to leave my friend Lucy, she is m…〔08-21〕

大学英语|创造奇迹 Creating Miracle
  →作文|Beijing Olympic Games gives the world so many surprises, we show our new image to the world. Many Chinese heroes fought for the r…〔08-16〕

小学英语|我有一个秘密 I Have a Secret
  →作文|My parents are the best people in the world, they treat me so well and they will never shout at me. I want to do something for the…〔08-13〕

初中英语|我战胜了惰性 I Get Over Laziness
  →作文|My mother always says that I am a lazy girl, when she needs my help with her housework, I will say no to her, which annoys her. Si…〔08-10〕

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