初中英语|我喜爱的明星 My Favorite Star
  →作文|When I was five years old, my father asked me to watch football matches with him. Since then, I fall in love with football, the sh…〔04-12〕

小学英语|熟能生巧 Practice Makes Perfect
  →作文|Today, when I go home, I smell the delicious food, I rush to my mom, she is cooking the new food for me. ...…〔04-07〕

小学英语|我爱阳光 I Love Sunshine
  →作文|In North, when winter comes, the weather is very cold, the cloud covers the sunshine all the time, it is hard for people to see th…〔04-07〕

小学英语|家庭聚会 The Family Reunion
  →作文|The day before the sheep year, everyone is busy with the big meal, all the family members get together and have the dinner. People…〔04-02〕

大学英语|霍金的启示 The Enlightenment From Stephen Hawking
  →作文|Stephen Hawking is famous all around the word, I get to know him when I was in high school, I learned him from the English book. .…〔03-30〕

初中英语|做一个好孩子 Be a Good Child
  →作文|I am ten years old now, I study in a middle school, I am not a little girl any more, I know I should learn to grow up, I want to b…〔03-23〕

初中英语|多交朋友 Making More Friends
  →作文|I like to make friends, I can share my happiness and sorrow with friends. Friends are very important part of our lives, without th…〔03-23〕

小学英语|我幸运的一天 My Lucky Day
  →作文|Today, I wake up early in the morning, because it is the New Year’s Day, when I go out and say hello to the eldership, they…〔03-22〕

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