大学英语|自助游还是跟团游 DIY Tour or Package Tour?
  →作文|Travelling in vacation has become the mainstream for people to release their work pressure. When it comes to travel, different peo…〔10-29〕

大学英语|和室友住的好处和坏处The Good Side And Bad Side Of Living With Roommates
  →作文|Nowadays,as we live in school, we are arranged with other students to share a room. Living with roommates is school’s tradit…〔10-29〕

英语新闻|水果降低患2型糖尿病的风险  Fruit Cut Type-2 Diabetes Risk
  →新闻|Eating more fruit, particularly blueberries, apples and grapes, is linked to a reduced risk of developing type-2 diabetes, suggest…〔10-28〕

大学英语|国际支援的重要性 International Aid is Essential
  →作文|With the acceleration of economic globalization, many countries have strengthened their international cooperation and liaison in t…〔10-23〕

小学英语|我的学校(一) My School(一)
  →作文|I have a beautiful school. There are many buildings in my school, such as teaching buildings, library, dormitory buildings and so…〔10-23〕

大学英语|对于成功最重要的性格  The Most Important Personality to Success
  →作文|What is known to all is that nobody can casually succeed, and success comes from a person's perseverance.As a result, perseverance…〔10-22〕

大学英语|房奴  Home Mortgage Slave
  →作文|Nowadays, it is not strange to see a young people who become a mortgage slave, since Chinese people have made an agreement that ge…〔10-21〕

大学英语|大学艺术节之我见My Idea of a University Arts Festival
  →作文|There is no doubt that the arts festival enriches our college life an extracurricular activity. However, when it comes to what sho…〔10-18〕

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