大学英语|看书还是实际经验Reading Books or Practical Experience
  →作文|People think highly of reading books since long time ago. They think books are the source of knowledge. If people want to be progr…〔12-19〕

大学英语|要不要成为丁克族 Being a Dink or Not?
  →作文|Our society is changing rapidly. Recently the issue of whether being a dink or not has been brought into focus. The dispute is mos…〔12-17〕

英语美文|英语励志短文English Inspirational Passages
  →美文|Whether sixty or sixteen, there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what's ne…〔12-16〕

大学英语|大学毕业生对政府职位的狂热之我见My View on the Crazy of Government Posts
  →作文|With the increasing of social competition and the stress of finding jobs for the university graduates, more and more college stude…〔12-16〕

高中英语|完善图书馆服务Improving the Service of Library
  →作文|Thank you very much for offering me the chance to make suggestions to improve the service of library .I love our library which hol…〔12-16〕

大学英语|关于研招品德不合格者不录取的看法 My View on Moral Character: The New Graduate Admission Criteria
  →作文|The circular on graduate admission in 2011 issue that the candidates who fail the ideological and moral assessment are not allowed…〔12-13〕

大学英语|现代人才的定义Modern Concepts of Talent
  →作文|As the society changes rapidly, many things will change soon afterwards. It is said that having only one advantage is not enough t…〔12-13〕

大学英语|在大城市工作是否更好? Is it Better to Work in the big City?
  →作文|Everyone needs to make choice sometimes. For most university graduates, they have difficulties in making choice for job. After all…〔12-12〕

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