英语新闻|日本女性平均寿命排名世界第一 达86.4岁Japanese Women's Average Life Expectancy Ranks The First In The World
  →新闻|According to the voice of Russia reported on July 26th, the Japanese health, labor and Welfare Ministry says on July 25, 2013 that…〔01-03〕

大学英语|关于大学排名My View on University Ranking
  →作文|Recent years have witnessed a great popularity of university ranking. High school graduates make their choice almost mainly based…〔01-03〕

大学英语|小公司还是大公司?Do You Prefer to Work in Small Company or Big Company?
  →作文|When college students graduate, there is a big problem that they have to face by themselves. It is finding a job. It is well-known…〔01-02〕

高中英语|大学教育对个人的未来成功重要吗?Is College Education Essential to One's Future Success?
  →作文|Nowadays, many people have access to enjoy college education. When it comes to college education, we naturally link it with one's…〔01-02〕

大学英语|这个学期的新挑战  New Challenge in This Term
  →作文|How time flies! Now I am a sophomore as if I were a freshman yesterday. Only when I see new comers undertake the military training…〔12-31〕

大学英语|美丽是什么?What is Beautiful?
  →作文|There is a saying,” The desire to look attractive is universal.” I believe everyone long for beautiful. Actually, what…〔12-31〕

大学英语|你的选择是什么?What is Your Choice?
  →作文|Plenty of graduates are standing at a crossing road of their life to face a crucial decision because what they choose may transfor…〔12-30〕

英语新闻|李馨巧 Crystal Lee
  →新闻|Crystal Lee is a Malaysia famous child star, who played as Wan Changsheng inThe Viral Factor, and Joey inGreat Day. Crystal Lee is…〔12-26〕

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