初中英语|美丽的公园 Beautiful park
  →作文|In xiamen there is a park. its a big and beautiful park. it has two gates. they are the north gate and the west gate. many people…〔12-30〕

英语作文范文|2012我的新年计划My New Nears Plan
  →范文|My new years resolution is very very brife. New Year's Day is one of important days for many people in the word during the year.Mo…〔12-29〕

英语作文范文|春节放鞭炮的利与弊The Advantages and Disadvantages of Setting off Firecrackers During The Spring Festival
  →范文|Now it is not allowed to set off firecrackers in big cities on festivals. Some people are against it. But I am for the idea. some…〔12-25〕

大学英语|工作与娱乐Work and Play
  →作文|Work and Play 提纲 1.有人认为应多工作。 2.有人认为应多娱乐。 3.我认为 Work and play are two important parts in people's life, but some times they are con…〔12-22〕

大学英语| 网络经济Net Economy
  →作文|Net Economy People are talking about the new economy It's very They see people face-to-face at their job or in stores. People get…〔12-18〕

英语美文|关于中国人口老龄化China's Population Aging
  →美文|Chinese Senior Citizen 提纲 1.中国已成为老龄化国家。 2.老年人的生活现状。 China has become a country with an increasing nUnber of old people. By old peo…〔12-13〕

英语美文|选择大公司还是小公司?Choosing a big Company or a Small one?
  →美文|Some people prefer to work for a large company. Others prefer to work for a small company. Which would you prefer? Use specific re…〔12-09〕

  →高中|关于盗版软件的英语作文 1.盗版软件已对社会产生了不良影响。 2.盗版软件:泛滥的原因。 3.如何制止盗版软件。 参考好学英文网整理范文如下: These days, many people have computers,and with a computer…〔11-26〕

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