大学英语|最好的入学年龄  The Best Age of Entrance School
  →作文|Some children go to school at the age of four, why is that? It is not a matter of the-earlier-the-better when we discuss at what a…〔09-05〕

大学英语|  学生应不应该拥有电脑    Should Students Own Computers
  →作文|As more and more students tend to take computers to college, a hot discuss on this phenomenon attract people’s attention. So…〔08-27〕

高中英语|纪律之我见My View on Discipline
  →作文|Almost all of the foreigner investment companies believe that company need to be discipline first, then efficiency. But how do the…〔08-23〕

大学英语|暑期待在家中还是外出旅游 Staying At Home or Going Out For Travelling
  →作文|The summer holiday is coming. The discussion about what to do during the holiday is right on their way among students.暑假就要到了。关于暑假做…〔08-05〕

大学英语|死刑之我见  My View on the Death Penalty
  →作文|In recent years, the death penalty has been aroused people’s attention and the heated discussions towards it are right on th…〔07-23〕

大学英语|培养自我保护意识 Self-Protection Awareness
  →作文|Recently, a large number of affairs about sexual assault were disclosed and reported by mass media. As far as I am concerned, peop…〔07-05〕

大学英语|电子书将会取代传统书籍 E-books Will Replace Traditional Books
  →作文|From the discussion above, I think in the future, the e-books will replace the traditional ones....…〔06-21〕

大学英语|网络游戏 Online Games
  →作文| I think playing games is not a bad choice of indoor relaxation for those who have high self-discipline. But for those who have no…〔05-31〕

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