大学英语|青少年的偶像观Teenager’s Viewpoint about Idol
  →作文|We see from the TV show that there are many mass-election shows to discover the potential star, like Voice of China, Chinese Idol…〔11-29〕

大学英语|魔术的秘密该揭穿么?Should the Secrets Behind Magic be Disclosed?
  →作文|With a fascination with magic for centuries, there is a heated debate about the disclosure of magic recently. Some people thirst f…〔11-15〕

大学英语|秘密账户 Secret Accounts
  →作文|With the increasing number of trust issue in nowadays, people seems are not trusty as before. In the spirit of discretion, every o…〔10-28〕

大学英语|校服是否应该取消? Should the School Uniform be Canceled?
  →作文|Nowadays, there is a general discussion about the issue of canceling the school uniform or not. Different people hold different vi…〔10-16〕

大学英语|新型批改作文方式 New Homework Correcting Style
  →作文|Nowadays, a new style homework correcting appears in school which has become a hot point under discussion. We usually get a mark t…〔10-10〕

大学英语|小学应该取消英语课吗? Should English class be canceled in primary school?
  →作文| Today, there is a general discussion about the issue of cancel the English class in primary school, because now people in growing…〔09-29〕

大学英语|是否支持大学生恋爱  Should We Approve of Dating in University?
  →作文|Now it is commonly held that dating in university is acceptable, which has become a hot point under discussion. Some people hold t…〔09-18〕

大学英语|适当的舍弃  Properly Discard
  →作文|The mother told a story to her child:母亲给孩子讲了这样的一个故事。The mother gave him two toys when the child was young. The child hold a toy in…〔09-17〕

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