大学英语|学生能否中途换专业Whether Can Students Change Major Halfway
  →作文|It is quite often seen that many students choose the subject but they never attend in college. The reason hide behind this is that…〔07-30〕

大学英语|幸福VS 金钱 Money is Necessary for Happiness
  →作文|There is a saying that 'Money is not everything, but without money you can do nothing'. Money may not buy happiness, but a certain…〔07-30〕

高中英语|我的暑假计划  My Summer Holiday Plan
  →作文|Here comes the summer holiday, I have planned a busy schedule on it.暑假就要到来了,我已经为它制定了一个忙绿的计划表了。...…〔07-26〕

大学英语|存钱还是提前消费Saving Money or Using Money Ahead
  →作文|Money is very important for everyone in the world. Just as the proverb said,” money is not everything, but without money eve…〔07-24〕

小学英语|我最喜欢的人 My Favorite People
  →作文|If anyone ask me who is my favorite people? I would tell him my favorite person is my mother. My mother is 45 years old. But I sti…〔07-24〕

大学英语|人类应当善待动物People Should Treat Animal Better
  →作文|Nowadays more and more people keep animals as pets; they treat them as their family members. But there is someone who likes to tor…〔07-18〕

大学英语|做你不喜欢的事情Do Something That You Don't Enjoy
  →作文|I agree that sometimes people have to do things that they don't enjoy doing, but it is a basic part of being an adult. Meanwhile,…〔07-17〕

大学英语|二手商品之我见My View On Second-hand Junk
  →作文|Second-hand junk generally refers to buying used goods or cargo.The used relative to the primary goods are not sold and used.Most…〔07-15〕

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