大学英语|就业申请Job Application
  →作文| I have got the news that you need a tour guide in Zhuhai from the Internet. I want to apply for that position very much.我从互联网上看到…〔01-10〕

大学英语|锻炼的重要性The Importance of Doing Exercises
  →作文|There is a saying that never too old to learn and, similarly, I want to say that never too old to do exercises. Doing exercises is…〔01-07〕

高中英语|我的偶像-艾薇儿•拉维尼My Idol --Avril Lavigne
  →作文|There are many stars received great achievements, such as Jay Chou, Jackie Chen, Quwanting and so on. However, the star who I like…〔01-07〕

大学英语|电话面试重要的几点The Important Points of Telephone Invitation Interview
  →作文|As everyone wants to be respected and recognized, so the interview officer should always show respect and serious attitude to the…〔01-03〕

大学英语|怎样为大学生活买单  How to Pay for Your College Life
  →作文|No matter what you want to accomplish in the period of college, you must first know exactly what you really want to achieve. Most…〔12-31〕

高中英语|大学学位能否带来好工作?Can a College Degree Bring a Better Job?
  →作文|Many college students may want to know that can they get a good job in the future only based on a college degree. For this questio…〔12-27〕

大学英语|关于中途换专业 On Changing Major Halfway
  →作文|Recently, I heard that one of my friends wanted to change his major after one-year learning because he found that he had no intere…〔12-26〕

小学英语|海伦的周末计划Helen’s Weekend Plan
  →作文|Do you want to know my weekend plan? Now let me tell you my weekend plan:你想知道我的周末计划吗?现在让我来告诉你吧:...…〔12-20〕

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