大学英语|健康的重要性The Important of Health
  →作文|All the people want to stay in good health. Health is better than wealth. It is true that health is the first step to success. Ima…〔02-15〕

初中英语|我想要快乐I Want to be Happy
  →作文|Life is a colorful picture full of different feelings. I’d like to be happy because happiness is important to everyone.生活像是一…〔02-15〕

小学英语|睡前刷牙Brushing Teeth Before Sleep
  →作文|As a child, I am lazy to do things before sleep, I don’t want to brush my teeth. My parents try to make me to do it every ni…〔01-24〕

初中英语|独自居住Living Alone
  →作文|Some students prefer to live alone, while others want to live with their roommates. The way I like is living alone. First, living…〔01-22〕

大学英语|我为什么上大学?Why I Go to College?
  →作文|When I was a little girl, I always wanted to go to college. Now I am a freshman of a key university. I have asked myself the same…〔01-20〕

大学英语|我和游泳 Me and Swimming
  →作文|Now, I want to share one of my experiences with you. Yeah, it's something about one of my favorite sports——swimming. H…〔01-16〕

大学英语|理想与现实的冲突The Conflict Between Idealism and Realism
  →作文|We all have many dreams, we want to travel around the world, have a taste of all kinds of food, be an engineer and so on. We are s…〔01-13〕

大学英语|关于成功之路 The Way to Success
  →作文|There is no doubt that we all want to be successful. But what’s the main concern of the way to success? From Abraham Lincoln…〔01-11〕

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