英语美文|鼓励女孩的十句话 Ten Words to Encourage Girls
  →美文|Every woman is a treasure but way too often we forget how precious they are. We get lost in daily chores and stinky diapers, in wo…〔04-07〕

大学英语|愚人节The April Fool’s Day
  →作文|The April fool’s day is coming. The people, especially the teenagers, are quite excited about the jokes they are going to ma…〔04-01〕

高中英语|名人是否应该拥有隐私 Should Celebrity Have Privacy?
  →作文|What is the best selling paper in the world? The answer is amusement newspaper. When people are having a chat, they always talk ab…〔03-31〕

小学英语|改变自己 Change Myself
  →作文|Two years ago, I was a bad child, I didn’t listen to what my parents told me, I do against what they expect me to do. One da…〔03-27〕

大学英语|上大学前要先工作吗? Go to Work Before Entering University?
  →作文|In china, it is the traditional for high school students attend university after they graduate from high school for about three mo…〔03-26〕

高中英语|最好的旅游方式 The Best Way to Travel
  →作文|Today, as people live a better life, they chase for more enjoyment. We can see from the news that when the holiday comes, there ar…〔03-26〕

大学英语|习惯与改变 Habits and Changes
  →作文|Some people love to change, and they look forward to new experiences. For them, following routines is tedious, they always want to…〔03-25〕

大学英语|责任心  Responsibility
  →作文|Responsibility is a valuable quality, most people lose it when they chase for fame and reputation. Without responsibility, there w…〔03-22〕

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