  →初中|My way to go to schoolDifferent students like different ways to go to school As for me, I like to go to school on foot the most…〔01-04〕

小学英语|如何保持好的视力 How to Keep Good Eyesight
  →作文|When I was in primary school, my parents told me I must keep my eyes not so close from the book, or I would become ugly. I keep it…〔01-04〕

大学英语|财富从天而降 Fortune Comes From the Sky
  →作文|Suppose this, one day, when you wake up, you get the message that you have hit the big fortune, what will you react to this?This i…〔01-01〕

大学英语|我将来的计划 My Future Plans
  →作文|When I chose to study further, it is because I want to avoid the job pressure, now three years will pass, I come to my cross road…〔01-01〕

初中英语|课本该循环使用吗? Should Text Books Be Recycled?
  →作文|When the school begins, students need to start their new semester, the first thing they do is to buy the text books, most students…〔12-25〕

高中英语|网络语言 Internet Language
  →作文|The language develops as the media become various, many years ago, people used the language that was very formal, because most ora…〔12-17〕

初中英语|创新 Creativities
  →作文|I love to see the TV show about choosing the people in singing, many years ago, when I was in high school, I would open the TV and…〔12-14〕

初中英语|早起的好处 The Good Sides of Waking Up Early
  →作文|Today, most young people wake up so late, because they like to have parties at night and hang out with their friends, they like to…〔12-08〕

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