大学英语|家长让学生抓狂 Parents Drive Students Crazy
  →作文|It is said that Chinese parents are the world’s most responsible parents, it sounds like the praise to Chinese parents,...…〔10-14〕

初中英语|关于面子问题 Face
  →作文|Today, our teacher told us a story on the newspaper. She told us that there was a famous university student whose family is very p…〔10-10〕

高中英语|宿舍打扫责任Dormitory Clean Duty
  →作文|In China, when students go to middle school, most of them need to live in school from Monday to Friday, they can go home on weeken…〔10-09〕

初中英语|休闲娱乐 Entertainment
  →作文|People need relax in the competitive force society. There are many entertainments for people to relax. I like riding bikes the mos…〔09-29〕

大学英语|自信的重要性The Importance of Self-Confidence
  →作文|It’s generally accepted that confidence plays a very vital role in one’s life. But do you really know what dose self-c…〔09-27〕

高中英语|语言的力量The Power of Language
  →作文|After many years’ learning of second language, have you enjoyed learning it?I bet most of your guys will say no,...…〔09-26〕

小学英语|李安 Li An
  →作文|Li An is a famous director. At first, I am not familiar with him. But later I hear that he wins the Oscar Best Director Award by L…〔09-26〕

大学英语|看一看90后Post-90s at a glance
  →作文|Many years ago, people talk about post-80s everywhere, now, as the time flies, it has come to the time of post-90s. ...…〔09-19〕

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