考研英语|集体生活的利与弊 The Pros and Cons of Dormitory Life
  →考研|参考好学英文网整理集体生活利弊的英语作文 The Pros and Cons of Dormitory Life (集体生活的利与弊) For most university students, dormitory life is a new experien…〔12-13〕

小学英语|新发型 The New Hairstyle
  →作文|I always want to change my hairstyle, because I want to look as my idols image, but i dons have the courage to do it. At…〔11-06〕

小学英语|一个掉下来的苹果 An Apple Falling Down
  →作文|The story of the Newton how to find out the theory of gravity is known to all. One day, when I am walking home, suddenly someone t…〔11-02〕

高中英语|一切都会好起来 It Will be Better
  →作文|When I went to middle school, it was hard for me to adjust the new environment at first, because there were so many subjects to le…〔10-15〕

大学英语|办公室恋情 Office Love
  →作文|Nowadays, a new type of love is not accepted in most situation, it is the office love. In some companies, there is the rule to for…〔10-06〕

小学英语|我的新发型 My New Hairstyle
  →作文|Since I see the movie that impresses so much, I want to cut my hair and make myself look like the girl in the movie. So I tell my…〔09-21〕

初中英语|高速路上的交通堵塞 The Traffic Jams In the Highway
  →作文|According to Chinese holiday plan, on the seventh day of the New Year, people need to go to work, so on the sixth day, it means a…〔09-06〕

大学英语|赛琳娜的新起点 Selena’s New Starting Point
  →作文|Selena Gomez, a famous and popular singer and actress in America started her new life recently. She became thinner and looked perf…〔09-05〕

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