大学英语|汶川地震哀悼日 Wenchuan Earthquake Mourning Day
  →作文|On May 12, 2008, there was an earthquake happened in Wenchuan, Sichuan province. More than 69000 people had lost their lives, 3746…〔05-27〕

大学英语|全国学生营养日 National Students Nutrition Day
  →作文|National Students nutrition day is on May 20th, started from 1989, this day has made great contribution to the whole nation’…〔05-27〕

初中英语|中国青年节  Chinese Youth’s Day
  →作文|Chinese Youth’s Day is on May 4th, it is to in honor of the students’ movement in the year of 1919,at that time, the g…〔05-05〕

大学英语|世界森林日The World Forest Day
  →作文|In 1971, the Spanish naturalists suggested that we should set up a day to call on people to protect the forest and make the full u…〔03-20〕

英语新闻|面试困境 Difficulty in the Interview
  →新闻|Although I am from the earth, I will find you, who from the other planet as long as you are shining and excellent enough, and…〔03-19〕

高中英语|乡村教师Country Teacher
  →作文|In the 1990s, as the call of the government that teachers should go to the country to serve the people, there are more and more te…〔03-14〕

英语新闻|大学生寄脏衣服回家洗 College Students Send Dirty Clothes Home for Washing
  →新闻|In the network interview held by NPC and CPPCC news center on the evening of March 9th, the State Postal Bureau deputy d…〔03-12〕

大学英语|三八妇女节International Women’s Day
  →作文|On March 8th, 1975, the United Nation started to celebrate the International Women’s Day. In China, the women’s day al…〔03-07〕

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