当代→|包拯(999年-1062年7月3日),字希仁。庐州合肥(今安徽合肥肥东)人。北宋名臣。包拯廉洁公正、立朝刚毅,故有“包青天”及“包公”之名,京师有“关节不到,有阎罗包老”之语。后世将他奉为神明崇拜,认为他是奎星转世 ,由于民间传其黑面形象,亦被称为“包青天”。…〔06-16〕
外国→|Now that members of Generation Z are graduating college this spring—the most commonly-accepted definition says this generation was born after 1995, give or take a y…〔09-12〕
外国→|It is true that CEO pay has gone up—top ones may make 300 times the pay of typical workers on average, and since the mid-1970s, CEO pay for large publicly traded Am…〔09-12〕
外国→|In choosing a new home, Camille McClain’s kids have a single demand: a backyard....This advice is more relevant now than ever before, even as more parents want to e…〔09-10〕
外国→|None of this is about writing off the individual. It’s just about putting things into perspective. We don’t have time to wait. We need progressive policies that sha…〔08-05〕
外国→|American farmers have been complaining of labor shortages for several years. The complaints are unlikely to stop without an overhaul of immigration rules for farm w…〔08-05〕
外国→|Forests give us shade, quiet and one of the harder challenges in the fight against climate change. Even as we humans count on forests to soak up a good share of the…〔08-05〕
外国→|Unlike so-called basic emotions such as sadness, fear, and anger, guilt emerges a little later, in conjunction with a child’s growing grasp of social and moral norm…〔08-05〕