外国→英语|A| appear to be adaptable to new surroundings$B| are more socially active than other animals$C| behave differently from children in socializing$D| are more sensit…〔04-25〕
外国→英语|A|can remember other rats’facial features.$B|differentiate smells better than sizes.$C|respond more to actions than to looks.$D|can be scared by a plastic box on …〔04-25〕
外国→英语|picurl@@@Please fill in the upper letters of the corresponding options in the input box.41.${input};42.${input};43.${input};44.${input};45.${input}2019年全国硕士研究生招生考…〔04-23〕
标签:Part B学段:研究生学科:英语来源:好学题库作者:Pioneer|点击收藏