当代→英语|picurl@@@Do you know World Letter Writing Day? It falls ${input} September 1st every year. It was setup by Richard Simpkin in 2014. He encouraged people ${input}…〔06-02〕
当代→英语|A、Read word groups.B、Don’t choose a book that is too easy or too difficult.C、You could also be intentional with planning a time to read.D、But it’s something you’l…〔05-30〕
当代→英语|A|Salzburg is too small to visit.$B|Salzburg is a place worth visiting.$C|There is nothing interesting in Salzburg.2023年湖南省长沙市中考英语真题试卷,第二部分 阅读,第一节,Text C…〔05-28〕
标签:Text C学段:初中学科:英语来源:好学题库作者:Pioneer|点击收藏
当代→英语|A. Make sure your handwriting is neat.B. Let your pen follow the waves of thought.C. The second draft of the essay should be better.D. First of all, lean the tech…〔05-06〕
当代→英语|A|Middle-aged hearts get younger with aerobic exercise.$B|High-intensity exercise is more suitable for the young.$C|It is never too late for people to start takin…〔05-06〕
标签:Text D学段:高中学科:英语来源:好学题库作者:Pioneer|点击收藏
当代→英语|A|He took it for a tablet computer.$B|He disliked the colorful pictures.$C|He was angry with his grandpa.$D|He wanted to read it by himself.2022年普通高等学校招生全国统一英语考试(…〔05-06〕
标签:Text B学段:高中学科:英语来源:好学题库作者:Pioneer|点击收藏
当代→英语|A|Provided shelter forme.$B|Became very clear tome.$C|Took the pressure off me.$D|Worked quite well on me.2022年普通高等学校招生全国统一英语考试(新高考Ⅱ卷),第二部分 阅读,第一节,Text B词义猜测题。根据第…〔05-06〕
标签:Text B学段:高中学科:英语来源:好学题库作者:Pioneer|点击收藏
外国→英语|[A]Give compliments, just not too many[B]Put on a good face, always[C]Tailor your interactions[D]Spend time with everyone[E]Reveal, don’t hide, information[F]Slow…〔04-28〕
标签:Part B学段:研究生学科:英语来源:好学题库作者:Pioneer|点击收藏