高中英语|难以说出的话 The Words That Are Hard to Say
  →作文|There are two kinds of words are hard for me to say. The first is to apologize to others. The sorry words make me feel awkward. I…〔10-25〕

高中英语|如何提高成绩? How to Improve Study?
  →作文|High school students are under great pressure, they want to do best in the exams, because it means so much for them, if they do we…〔10-06〕

高中英语|说谎难受 Telling Lies Is Painful
  →作文|People always say that a good kid should be honest, while for me, I always lie to my parents and do not realize the result that I…〔09-27〕

高中英语|时间都去哪儿了? Where Has the Time Gone?
  →作文|In Chinese Spring Festival Gala, the song of Where Has the Time Gone became popular. The words are so touching that when people li…〔09-25〕

高中英语|空调病 The Illness From Air-condition
  →作文|When summer comes, the air is stuffy and the temperature is so high. Thanks to the invention of air-condition, people are no longe…〔09-20〕

高中英语|威尔史密斯 Will Smith
  →作文|Will Smith is a male actor in America, he is famous around the world, his movies are very popular. Smith has the black blood, but…〔09-19〕

高中英语|新的突破 The New Break Through
  →作文|It is known to all that track and field is dominated by black men, they run so fast and win many championships. Asian people can&r…〔09-16〕

高中英语|电影中的美人鱼 Mermaid in the Movie
  →美人鱼|在丹麦的童话故事里,美人鱼是美丽,善良和纯洁的象征。小美人鱼的故事感动了很多人,她牺牲了自己,救了王子。但是在现代的电影里,美人鱼颠覆了人们的认 识,它是魔鬼的象征。…〔09-14〕

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