→考研|文化差异:种族(Culture Difference:National race) The whole question of the changing role of Blacks in American society as been the subjec…〔03-24〕
→考研|一篇题材为职业规划的英语作文 一篇题材为职业规划的英语作文 ,字数120左右 As a college student on how well the future is the way I have been considering. I always wa…〔03-24〕
→大学|1. This preference for exogamy,Gutman suggests,may have derived from West African rules governing marriage,which,though they diffe…〔01-01〕
→考研|1. It doesnt follow that one should abandon a workable plan simply because of minor setbacks . So doing would quite frankly be foo…〔12-22〕
→考研|Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should 1) describe the drawing, 2) interpret its implication…〔12-21〕
→考研|考研英语看图小作文 最有价值的私有财产:幽默感 Directions: 幽默感: 1 ) 谈谈你对幽默感的认识; 2 ) 阐述如何培养幽默感。范文 1 :What is humor? It is not the performances of a clown…〔12-21〕
→考研|手机用量 看图英语作文新时代生活的必备物:手机 Directions :Study the following graph carefully and write an essay in which you should 1) analyze the grap…〔12-21〕
→考研|文明风尚:己所不欲 勿施于人 Directions : ? Understanding is a drop of golden sun, is wellspring of life, and is a bridge between man and the so…〔12-21〕