初中英语|父亲的变化The Change of My Father

高中英语|我喜爱的明星 My Favorite Star 贝克汉姆
  →高中|在我五岁的时候,我的爸爸叫我和他一起看足球比赛。打从那时候起,我就爱上了足球,大卫贝克汉姆,一个闪亮的明星,是我最喜爱的明星,他不仅长得很 帅,而且足球也踢得很好。…〔09-14〕

小学英语|严厉的爸爸 My Severe Father
  →作文|My father is a severe person, since I go to school, he always keeps an eye on my study. He keeps contact with my teacher, so as to…〔06-16〕

小学英语|爸爸最喜爱的菜 Father’s Favorite Food
  →作文|One day, an idea came across my mind that I wanted to cook for my father, as I had done nothing for him before, I wanted to surpri…〔03-02〕

小学英语|爸爸的小宝贝 Father’s Little Baby
  →作文|My father tells me that when I was born, he felt so happy and nervous, it was the first time for him to be a father, so he did not…〔12-15〕

小学英语|爸爸的工作 My Father’s Work
  →作文|My father works in the company, he works so hard, I can hardly see him usually. Even in the weekends, when he plays with me, if he…〔11-11〕

小学英语|爸爸的爱Father’s Love
  →作文|My father is quiet, when we are at home, he always reads newspaper and less talk to me. ...…〔09-09〕

初中英语|《爸爸去哪儿大电影》 Dad Where to Go
  →作文|A few days ago, I went to the theater watch the movie Dad Where To Go with my parents. It is really a good movie that I want to sh…〔05-07〕

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