小学英语|玛丽的计划 Mary’s Plan
  →作文|Mary is a lazy girl, she always finish her task in the last minute. Tonight, Mary wants to watch a live show near her house, but s…〔08-18〕

小学英语|日落 Sunset
  →作文|My grandma always tells me that the sunrise and the sunset in my hometown is very beautiful. But I see them all the time, so I don…〔08-17〕

小学英语|我想要学游泳 I Want to Learn Swimming
  →作文|As the summer vacation comes, I decide to learn swimming, because the weather is so hot, I can make myself cool, what’s more…〔08-15〕

小学英语|美丽的海滩 Beautiful Beach
  →作文|The first time I see the beach, I feel so excited. It is early in the morning, I walk to the beach and want to see the sunrise. th…〔08-15〕

小学英语|参观教堂 Visit the Church
  →作文|My grandma believes in Jesus, so she goes church every week. As I grow up, my grandma takes me to the church with her. The buildin…〔08-14〕

小学英语|我最喜爱的音乐 My Favorite Music
  →作文|Before I go to sleep, I like to listen to soft music, it can help me relax and have a good dream. My mother tells me that before I…〔08-12〕

小学英语|母鸡下蛋 The Hen Has Eggs
  →作文|My grandma raises a hen, and she sometimes brings the fresh eggs to us. The eggs taste different from the one sold in the market,…〔08-12〕

小学英语|失踪的小狗 The Missing Dog
  →作文|There is a lovely dog in Luke’s house. The family has raised it for two years. One day, when Luke walks his dog in the eveni…〔08-05〕

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