初中英语|和平的使者 The ambassador of Peace
  →作文|Martin Luther King, who is known to the world as the ambassador of peace, has been remembered all the time, though he has died for…〔05-21〕

初中英语|演唱会 The Concert
  →作文|Last night, I went to a concert with my friends. The tickets were from one of my friends’ parents, they did not have time to…〔05-20〕

高中英语|合作的力量 The Power of Cooperation
  →作文|I was used to do things by my own, because I did not like to cooperate with other person, for I thought it was so easy and quick f…〔05-19〕

高中英语|穹顶之下 Under the Dome
  →作文|Recently, a journalist who used to work in CCTV has made a record about the environment, the record called Under the Dome, it is a…〔05-19〕

初中英语|钢琴梦 Piano Dream
  →作文|When I was three years old, my mother hired a tutor to teach me piano. It is such a classic story that every parent wants their da…〔05-15〕

初中英语|创新体操 Creative Morning Exercise
  →作文|Since I go to school, I have to do the morning exercise from Monday to Friday. When the familiar music plays, my body will shake u…〔05-15〕

初中英语|奇幻森林 The Jungle Book
  →作文|I have read the novel The Jungle Book, I like the story so much. It tells about a boy who is raised by the wolves and then is hunt…〔05-14〕

初中英语|年轻的资本 The Advantages of Being Young
  →作文|Recently, the movies about the old people happen to have the magic and then come back to their 20 years old time are very popular.…〔05-14〕

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