高中英语|美好青春 Being Young Is Good
  →作文|Last night, I went to my friend’s birthday party, I made some friends. We talked happily, one of my new friends showed us th…〔06-20〕

初中英语|我可爱的爷爷 My Lovely Grandpa
  →作文|I have a grandpa, he is nearly 70 years old, it sounds old for him, but in his heart, he is really young. ...…〔04-09〕

高中英语|尴尬的问题 The Awkward Questions
  →作文|When Spring Festival comes, a lot of young people will go back to their hometown and spend the time to stay with their families. A…〔03-16〕

高中英语|保持年轻 Keep Young
  →作文|Today, as the development of the medical, people can slow down their aging. As for the celebrities, they use the developed technol…〔02-10〕

大学英语|常回家看看 Going Home Often
  →作文|The Mid-autumn Day is coming soon, for the young people, it is the time for them to come back home and together with the families.…〔01-08〕

初中英语|早起的好处 The Good Sides of Waking Up Early
  →作文|Today, most young people wake up so late, because they like to have parties at night and hang out with their friends, they like to…〔12-08〕

初中英语|如果我英年早逝 If I Die Young
  →作文|When I opened the TV last night, I heard a beautiful song, it is called “If I die young”, the song sounds so comfortab…〔11-26〕

高中英语|从好男孩到坏男孩From a Good Boy To a Bad Boy
  →作文|If people pay attention to the American music, there is a name they can’t ignore—Justin Bieber, the hot young star in…〔11-18〕

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