高中英语|假如我是老师 If I Were a Teacher
  →作文|Sometimes, when I am listening to the teacher, I can’t help thinking that if I were a teacher, what I would do....…〔03-20〕

大学英语|休闲计划 Plan for Free Time
  →作文|When I have free time, I would like get up early to walk in the forest in the morning, because I want to breathe the fresh air. I…〔03-15〕

初中英语|给老师的一封信(教师节) A Letter to Teacher
  →作文|How is everything going! Tomorrw is Teachers’ Day. I would like to express my sincerely wishes to you. You taught me Englis…〔03-15〕

大学英语|创新的重要性The Importance of Creation
  →作文|In the past, people tend to keep on the rail. No matter who doesn’t follow the rules, he would be criticized by the public o…〔03-12〕

初中英语|为妈妈做顿饭 Cook a Meal for Mother
  →作文|Today is Women's Day. I think it would be one of the most beautiful memories in my mother's life....…〔03-10〕

高中英语|珍惜时间 Cherish Time
  →作文|If you ask me what is the most precious, I would say that it’s time. Time is something once lost, you could never have again…〔03-09〕

初中英语|快乐来自乐观和奋斗 Happiness Comes from Good Attitude and Hard Work
  →作文|Life is a mirror. If we smile to her, she would also return the happiness to us. But if we cry, she would be disappointed....…〔03-08〕

  →作文|I would like to tell you a secret. I have a great penfriend. We haven’t see each other ever. But we are good friends. We hav…〔03-07〕

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