高中英语|教师的工资应该提高吗?Should Teacher’s Salary Be Raised?
  →作文|When I was small, if people asked me what did I want to be in the future, I would answer without hesitation that I want to be a te…〔05-12〕

小学英语|等我长大了 When I Grow Up
  →作文|My parents take care of me all the time, they tell me that even I grow up, in their eyes, I will be their baby always. I am so mov…〔05-12〕

大学英语|取消高校标签就能平等? Cancelling the Tags Can Make the Colleges be Equal?
  →作文|In China, it has been admitted that the universities are in different level, the universities which are labeled with 985 are treat…〔05-11〕

高中英语|当我生病了 When I Was Sick
  →作文|Last week, I had an argument with my best friend, because we couldn’t reach the agreement about something. So I went home, a…〔05-10〕

高中英语|旅游安排 Travel Arrangements
  →作文|I am so excited now, because I will go travel with friends. We plan to go to visit Guangzhou, for it is very near our place. This…〔05-10〕

初中英语|聆听父母 Listen to the Parents
  →作文|My parents always say that I am not listening to their words, and then I will answer back that I have listened to their words. Act…〔05-09〕

高中英语|第一次逃课 Skip the Class For the First Time
  →作文|Last night, my friends planned to go to KTV together, so they asked if I wanted to go with them. I like KTV so much, I always prac…〔05-04〕

小学英语|恐怖电影 Horror Movie
  →作文|My father likes to see horror movie so much, he always tries to let me watch the movie with him. ...…〔05-03〕

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