大学英语|电影质量恶化之我见 My View on Film Quality Deterioration
  →作文|It is very hard for us today to find films as exciting as they were in the past. Now many people are unwilling to go to the cinema…〔09-18〕

初中英语|慰问信  Letter of Condolence
  →作文|I was worried when I heard from TV that you were recently involved in a car accident. What a relief you were not hurt....…〔09-18〕

初中英语|军训 Military Training
  →作文|However, military training is a good way to train students’ strong willpower. It’s useful to the life of students. The…〔09-16〕

小学英语|停电 Power Cut
  →作文|This morning, when I was watching TV, it suddenly powered off. And I realized it was power cut. It's very hot today, so power cut…〔08-14〕

小学英语|植树节 Planting Day
  →作文|Today is planting day. Our class have a meaningful activity. All of our classmates go to plant flowers outside the school gate....…〔08-08〕

英语新闻|评论家名录:艾美评论家提名j奖  Critic's Notebook: The Emmy Nominations
  →新闻|As is known to all,Emmy award is the highest award of the American TV field.And the noinations were announced on Jul 19, 2012.And…〔07-23〕

小学英语|广州 Guangzhou
  →作文|Guangzhou is the third big city in China. It is a beautiful city with green trees and grass, and it is named as the flower city...…〔07-22〕

小学英语|我喜欢向日葵 I Like Sunflowers
  →作文|Sunflower is a kind of beautiful flower. It has golden color and a round face. It looks like the sun, that is why people call it s…〔07-21〕

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