英语作文范文|Covering the ears to steal the bell覆盖耳朵窃取铃
  →范文|Once upon a time there was a stupid man. His neighbor bought a nice bell. The stupid man liked it very much and wanted to steal it…〔01-16〕

高中英语|Add Feet to His Snake
  →作文|One day three men got a bottle of wine. But the wine was not enough for the three and each of them wanted to drink the wine alone.…〔01-06〕

小学英语|A diary of My Birthday 记我的生日
  →小学|I wanted to copy and joozone*** I wanted to copy and paste some of the most awesome wishes in here to see how much this group is r…〔12-17〕

高中英语|一篇自己被表扬的作文范文 A Surprise Praise
  →高中|Being Praised One morning when I was on my way to school,I saw a granny standing at the corner of the street.She wanted to cross t…〔05-17〕

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