→作文|On Building a Paper Factory A British company wants to build a paper factory in our city. But opinions are different on that issue…〔12-26〕
→美文|Travels on Holidaysin China Nowadays, more and more people like to travel in their holidays. The other day I read a report about t…〔12-23〕
→作文|To Make a Home Sweet Goethe said He is the happiest, being king or peasant, who find peace in his home. It is true. Home is the wa…〔12-23〕
→作文|TV: a Blessing or a Curse Nowadays television plays such an important role in pepople' s life that watching TV has become part of…〔12-23〕
→作文|Pollution: a Social Problem When we read newspapers, we often come across the word pollution. This word was not familiar to the pe…〔12-23〕
→原创|小学生初中生往这里看-泰山景点介绍: 那是秋天的一天,下着小雨。我和同学们开始登泰山。到了半山腰,有的人累得不想再爬了,他们建议回去。可我不想半途而废,就极力坚持往上爬,最后我们终于爬上山顶,如愿以偿。 It was a drizzly day in autu…〔12-22〕
→考研|大作文 模板一:图画作文 This illustration depicts_________ Ving, with______________. Recently it has become common for people in many walks o…〔12-21〕
→作文|Advantages of a Job Interviews Nowadays, when one applies for a job, he will be interviewed by an interviewer before he can be emp…〔12-21〕