→英语|2008年12月英语四级作文考前预测:求职信 Directions: Suppose you were Li Ming. You want to apply for a job as a personal secretary to the General Ma…〔08-19〕
→英语|73.Love Shows the Way We Are Here to Serve We are living in a time of great change. Many thinkers and seers agree that humanity an…〔08-19〕
→英语|3、邀请信: Directions: You want to invite some friends to a party. Write an invitation letter to them individually: 1、邀请参加晚会,2、说明举办晚会的…〔08-19〕
→美文|男人和女人应该是平等的?这是一个老生常谈的问题现在。 有人认为男性优于女性是一回事 ways.For 很多很多的工作,这很容易做到的男人,妇女很难做到。 ,另一方面也是世界著名的大多数人被发现有科努尔女性。此外,整个人类社会似乎一直是由男性主导的唯一...…〔08-18〕
→小学|I Don't Know Her A couple walking in the park noticed a young man and woman sitting on a bench,passionately kissing. Why don't you…〔08-14〕
→小学|Last day was 3.8 Women'Day,I wish my mother and every female teacher a good day.This women's day let's remember and dedicate this…〔08-14〕
→小学|New Discovery A hillbilly was visiting the big city for the first time.Entering an office building,he saw a pudgy older woman step…〔08-14〕
→小学|I want to be an invertor.Do you know why?Because I think an inventor can invent many things. If I become an inventor ,I want to in…〔08-14〕