初中英语|我的金钱观 My View on Money
  →作文|All in all, we should have a correct concept of money. We can’t live for money, but take it as a tool leading a better life.…〔03-09〕

大学英语|电脑之我见 My View on Computer
  →作文|With the rapid process of modernization, computer becomes more and more popular. Nowadays, almost every family has a computer. Bec…〔03-08〕

大学英语|成功的决定因素The Factors Lead to Success
  →作文|When doing the same thing, some people success but some fail. There must be many factors leading that result. In my view, the most…〔03-05〕

小学英语|克隆 My View on Clone
  →作文|With the repid development of technology, clone comes to the world. It can duplicate creature, which means it can make contributio…〔03-01〕

大学英语|网上交友 Is It Wise To Make Friends Online?
  →作文|In my point of view, I am inclined to favor the former though we should be careful when making friends online. To put it in a nuts…〔02-22〕

大学英语|互联网的使用My View on the Internet
  →作文|I convince that the advantages of the internet far weigh the disadvantages....…〔02-06〕

初中英语|My View on Calf Love 早恋之我见
  →作文|here is a common phenomenon should be noticed, calf love. Now, many students have boyfriend or girlfriend in their middles school.…〔01-23〕

英语美文|How to Make a Good Speech? 怎样做一个成功的演讲者?
  →美文|How to make yourself impressed and present an impressive speech in front of interviewers. What you should pay special attention to…〔01-14〕

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