大学英语|父亲在孩子成长中扮演的角色The Role Father Plays in Children’s Growing Up
  →作文|What is the hottest topic this summer, there is no doubt that it belongs to the amusement show Where Do You Go, Dad, the show is s…〔01-16〕

大学英语|我的网络游戏观My Views on Internet Games
  →作文|Students play internet games has been a controversial topic for a long time. When it comes to this topic, different people have di…〔01-15〕

大学英语|诚信餐馆Integrity Restaurant
  →作文|Recently an n integrity restaurant has become a hot topic which arouses a controversial debate. A man run a restaurant without any…〔01-15〕

大学英语|性教育很重要Sex Education Is Essential In School
  →作文|In our nation, “sex” is an absolute sensitive topic. As the result, sex education in our country is quite veiled. Howe…〔01-09〕

大学英语|是否应该帮助陌生人?(一) Should We Help Strangers? (一)
  →作文|It is well known that the topic that whether we should help strangers when they get into trouble has attracted many persons' atten…〔12-20〕

大学英语|在家教育  Teaching at Home
  →作文|Nowadays, teaching at home has been a hot topic. With the increasing number of high educated people have become parents, the teach…〔12-05〕

大学英语|人生中最痛苦的事The Greatest Pain in Life
  →作文|When it comes to the topic “What is the greatest pain in life?” People always take different views on that question.当谈…〔11-07〕

高中英语|学校应该开展性教育吗?Should Sex Education Be Taught At School?
  →作文|Most people in China think it’s an embarrassing to talk about sex, they think it a sensitive topic. That’s the reason…〔10-14〕

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