大学英语|玩电脑游戏的弊端The Disadvantages of Playing Computer Games
  →作文|Nowadays children are spending far too much time and money on computer games. As a result, some people even suggest that video gam…〔11-21〕

大学英语|宿舍保持和谐关系的最佳方法The Best way to Keep a Harmonious Relationship in the Dormitory
  →作文|There is no doubt that it is very important to keep a harmonious relationship with our roommates since we spend most of time in th…〔11-19〕

初中英语|仲夏夜 Midsummer Night
  →作文|I like midsummer the most in the whole year. In the day time, it is very hot. It seems that we all live in the hot pan. It is not…〔11-18〕

大学英语|自残很蠢Self-mutilation is Stupid
  →作文|Sometimes people will do some extreme things when they feel tremendous pressure, they might do self-mutilation. Instead of express…〔11-14〕

大学英语|大学生该出去兼职吗?Should University Students do Part-time Jobs?
  →作文|In today’s job hunting market, many companies tend to hire students who have job experiences. It seems that working experien…〔10-29〕

英语新闻|苏富比将拍卖中国画家画的查尔斯王子像Sotheby’s is Going to Sell a Prince Charles Portrait
  →新闻|This is the first time that the painting of Prince Charles drawn by ever by Chinese painter appearing at Sotheby's.有史以来第一次由一名中国画家为…〔10-14〕

大学英语|在当代生活中应对压力的方法 My Idea of Coping with the Stress in Modern Life
  →作文|It is true that people in modern times experience great stress in their lives. However, as to the ways to cope with the stress, di…〔10-11〕

  →时尚|Fish says to Water: I am crying all the time, but you never know, because Im in the water. 鱼对水说:我整天哭泣,不过你看不见我的眼泪,因为我在水中。 Water say…〔10-10〕

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