初中英语|关于哪一种职业加班的情况比较多? What Kind of Jobs use to Work Overtime?
  →作文|When it comes to overtime working, I believe many people will not happy but have experienced it before. Do you think what kind of…〔02-13〕

初中英语|新年 New Year
  →作文|New Year in china is an important festival. Nearly everyone thinks highly of it. No matter where people go and no matter how far t…〔01-29〕

初中英语|走路去学校(一) Walking to School(一)
  →作文|I think going to school on foot is good for us. First of all, walking to school is a wonderful way to exercise and it’s good…〔01-20〕

大学英语|不要再对妈妈大吼大叫Stop Yelling to Mother
  →作文|It says that we save our greatest patience to the strangers, and show our bad temper to our family member. I think it fits to the…〔01-15〕

大学英语|你会捐赠遗体吗?Will You Donate Your Body?
  →作文|Many people would like to choose to donate their body after they died; they think they can help the patient who needs to replace o…〔01-11〕

大学英语|兼职之我见 My View on Part-time Job
  →作文|It is popular among university students to do part-time job. Is this behavior good or bad? Some people think it brings many advant…〔01-08〕

大学英语|从每节课中学习Learn Something from Each Course
  →作文|Skipping class is very common on college. Some students skip classes because they think that some courses are boring and useless.…〔12-26〕

大学英语|一路绿灯 Green Light All The Way
  →作文|There is a tendency in our society that parents prefer to say “yes” to their children’s request. Do you think it…〔12-19〕

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