大学英语|爱是什么? What is Love?
  →作文|As the society are becoming complex day by day, more and more people are hoodwinked by a lot of temptation or other material thing…〔03-28〕

高中英语|借钱伤害友谊吗?Does Borrowing Money Hurt Friendship?
  →作文|When you need a lot of money, you first thing you do is to borrow money from your friend, while doing this sometimes may do harm t…〔03-27〕

初中英语|改变自己 Change Ourselves
  →作文|Things in the world are changing. People are changing and every creature is changing. Changing is a neutral word. We can’t j…〔03-24〕

高中英语|克服自卑 Overcome Self-abasement
  →作文|Everyone is shy when they are young, some people shy because they think they are not good enough, so they are not confident, they…〔03-21〕

大学英语|仔细规划还是自由安排?Plan Carefully or Plan Nothing at All?
  →作文|In this fast-changing society, our free time is very precious to all of us. It is important for us to take some time to refresh ou…〔03-18〕

英语美文|三个筛子There Sieves
  →美文|Grandpa Hodge was the most popular sage in the village because he was so philosophic in speaking and doing things that everyone re…〔03-14〕

小学英语|精彩的学校艺术节An Excellent School Art Festival
  →作文|Our school art festival is held once a year. I think this year’s was excellent because a lot of students and teachers took p…〔03-14〕

高中英语|出国旅游的梦想The Dream of Traveling Abroad
  →作文|When I learned English, I had no idea why would I learn it, but as I was in high school, my English teacher showed me many things…〔03-13〕

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