大学英语|校园禁车之我见 My View on Banning Electrical Bikes in Campus
  →作文|Recently, there’s a great concern over whether university need to ban the electrical bikes or not. Students’ views on…〔03-18〕

高中英语|志愿者 Volunteer
  →作文|Nowadays, there is a increasing number for people to join in the activities of volunteering. It’s well-known that volunteeri…〔03-18〕

高中英语|桂林美景 Brief Introduction of Guilin Beauty
  →作文|Guilin is a sunny land in my mind. I dream of going there on holiday every year. It's well-known for its natural beauty....…〔03-17〕

初中英语|考试作弊之我见 My View on Cheating in Exam
  →作文|some students do not work hard in usual but they still expect good performance. Therefore, some of them choose to cheat in exams.…〔03-17〕

大学英语|第一次坐飞机 The First Time to Take a Plane
  →作文|Last winter vacation, I traveled to Guangzhou by myself.I went there by plane. Since this was my first time to take the plane, I w…〔03-15〕

大学英语|大学新生活 My First Term in University
  →作文|How time flies! My first term in the University elapses quickly and imperceptibly. During this time, there are many meaningful thi…〔03-15〕

大学英语|增长社会经验 Good to Enhance Our Social Experience
  →作文|Therefore, it is good and wise to enhance our social experience. As college students, we should grasp each chance to exercise ours…〔03-12〕

大学英语|我选择大学的原因 My Reasons to Attend to College
  →作文|Nowadays, there is a common tendency that most of senior school students choose to attend to a college or a university. Of course…〔03-12〕

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