初中英语|我最爱的人The Person I Love The Most
  →作文|My elder sister is the person I love the most. She is two years older than me. We grow up together, play together and share the sa…〔03-14〕

大学英语|我选择大学的原因 My Reasons to Attend to College
  →作文|Nowadays, there is a common tendency that most of senior school students choose to attend to a college or a university. Of course…〔03-12〕

高中英语|我喜欢的季节 My Favorite Season—Spring
  →作文|Spring is my favorite season. In spring days, everything comes out. While you are walking outside, your eyes will be filled with g…〔03-06〕

高中英语|一年四季 Four Seasons
  →作文|There are four seasons in the year. They’re spring, summer, autumn and winter....…〔03-06〕

小学英语|名人Celebrity People
  →作文|Britney Spears is a popular America singer. I like her very much. She is popular around the world. Her songs are familiar to the y…〔03-06〕

英语美文|生活大爆炸台词(一)The Big Bang Theory Lines
  →美文|Sheldon: It's not suspicious that I'm fixating. It's consistent with my personality. 我专注一件事没什么奇怪的。我一直就这性格。Raj: Mummies and zombies…〔03-04〕

高中英语|交朋友 Make Friends
  →作文|Friendship is essential in one’s life. A person without friends will not get happiness in his life. So we need to make frien…〔02-28〕

大学英语|谈判过程与马斯洛的需求理论 Negotiation and Maslow's Hierachy of Needs
  →作文|In one word, the processes of negotiation are the realization of a person’s needs....…〔02-26〕

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