大学英语|你的选择是什么?What is Your Choice?
  →作文|Plenty of graduates are standing at a crossing road of their life to face a crucial decision because what they choose may transfor…〔12-30〕

大学英语|广告的好处The Advantage of Advertisement
  →作文|With the development of society, there are more and more new industries appear in people’s life. Advertising industry is one…〔12-30〕

大学英语|如何选择专业 How to Choose Major
  →作文|Choosing a major is very important because it concerns our college life, our career and even our future life. Therefore, we need t…〔12-27〕

大学英语|看电影的好处The Advantages of Watching Movies
  →作文|With the fast development of science and technology and the widespread of internet, watching movies has increasingly been one of t…〔12-26〕

大学英语|汉语广泛使用的原因The Reason Why Chinese Becomes Global Used
  →作文|We all know that English is accepted by an increasing number, but Chinese now is used by more and more people in the world. Do you…〔12-18〕

大学英语|大学毕业生对政府职位的狂热之我见My View on the Crazy of Government Posts
  →作文|With the increasing of social competition and the stress of finding jobs for the university graduates, more and more college stude…〔12-16〕

大学英语|单一性别教育还是男女同校教育?A Single-sex or a Co-educational Class?
  →作文|Nowadays, there exist two kinds of classes in our society, which are single-sex class and co-educational class. Faced with the que…〔12-12〕

大学英语|流产的弊端The Disadvantages of Induced Abortion
  →作文|Nowadays, more and more unwed couples live together and that leads to an increasing growth of premarital pregnancy. Accordingly, i…〔12-09〕

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