大学英语|该分文科理科班么?Should Science and arts Education be Separated?
  →作文|A recent survey shows that different people hold different attitudes towards whether science and arts education should be separate…〔11-22〕

大学英语|大学专业应偏向实用性吗?Should Major in Universities be More Practical?
  →作文|With the progress of society, some people argue that the courses in universities should be changed into more practical. In order t…〔11-20〕

大学英语|魔术的秘密该揭穿么?Should the Secrets Behind Magic be Disclosed?
  →作文|With a fascination with magic for centuries, there is a heated debate about the disclosure of magic recently. Some people thirst f…〔11-15〕

小学英语|学英语的好处The Benefit of Learning English
  →作文|As English is widely used today, we learn English since primary school. Some students still ask why they should learn English, we…〔11-15〕

大学英语|像傻瓜一样地活着 Live Like a Fool
  →作文|The reason why people always feeling annoyed is that they have a very good memory. We always keep the things we should forget in m…〔11-08〕

大学英语|国庆节该不该去旅游 Should We Go Travel on National Day
  →作文|Every October 1st is the birthday of our motherland. It belongs to all Chinese. In order to remember this special day, we will hav…〔11-06〕

大学英语|高校该收取更高的学费吗?Should Universities Charge Higher Tuition Fees?
  →作文|Great changes have taken place since the reform and opening policy, especially the rapid growth of economy. The average of Chinese…〔10-30〕

大学英语|大学生该出去兼职吗?Should University Students do Part-time Jobs?
  →作文|In today’s job hunting market, many companies tend to hire students who have job experiences. It seems that working experien…〔10-29〕

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