高中英语|沙丁鱼冰激凌来到葡萄牙|Sardine ice cream coming to Portugal
  →高中|沙丁鱼冰激凌来到葡萄牙|Sardine ice cream coming to Portugal,A shop in Portugal is reportedly planning to start selling ice-cream in flavours like shrimp, cod, tuna and grilled…〔01-06〕

  →高中|After an hours sailing,we reached our destination We saw a range of shops and houses with one or two storeys by the sea shore Th…〔12-01〕

大学英语|将运动场改为商场(shopping mall)
  →大学|你是否同意在你的社区中建设大型购物中心?将运动场改为商场 shopping mall 商店 It has recently been announced that a large shopping center may be built in your nei…〔12-01〕

大学英语|翻唱达人克里斯蒂娜圭密  The Cover Singer Christina Grimmie
  →作文|Nowadays, with the development of Internet, people can use the Internet to do a lot of things. Such as shopping online and doing b…〔08-07〕

小学英语|热心的老爷爷 The Kind Old Man
  →作文|There is an old man in our school’s small shop. He is in charge of the shop. Whenever I see him, he is also smiling. Every s…〔05-22〕

小学英语|买东西 Go Shopping
  →作文|Today my mom is busy, she asked me to go shopping for her. She gave me a shopping list and money. I went to the supermarket, bough…〔04-21〕

大学英语|网络购物Online Shopping
  →作文|With the development of the e-commerce, more and more people intent to do the shopping online. There are many advantages of online…〔03-20〕

初中英语|写给十年后自己的信 A Letter Write to Ten Year’s Me
  →作文|Today, when I went shopping with my friends, we found an interesting shop. The shop sold all kinds of postcards, then I saw the wo…〔02-04〕

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