  →句子|It is my opinion that students should place their study, health and safety before other things. 我认为,学生应该将他们的学习,健康和安全放在最首位。...…〔07-01〕

英语新闻|遗弃男孩称接到大额捐款 Abandoned boy claimed after receiving large donations
  →新闻|A 14-year-old abandoned child in Dee township, Longlin county, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, has been claimed by a relati…〔06-26〕

英语新闻|六名高考替考学生受处罚 6 Students Punished for Gaokao Cheating
  →新闻|Six candidates in Central Chinas Henan Province for the national college entrance examination, or gaokao, have been…〔06-25〕

大学英语|英文小说和电影English Novels and Movies
  →作文|We have seen some famous movies, such as Harry Potter and Twight, both are hot sell novels. When we see the novels have been put i…〔06-23〕

大学英语|我的专业  My Major
  →作文|I study in a college now, before I went to college, I spent a lot of time to figure out which major should I choose. After conside…〔06-23〕

高中英语|婚前协议 The Agreement Before Marriage
  →作文|In the old China, when the couple gets married, it is naturally committed that the bride will share the bridegroom’s fortune…〔06-20〕

初中英语|我的生活习惯 My Living Habit
  →作文|Everyone has their own habit. I have some living habits. I will take off my shoes and put on the slippers when I arrive home. And…〔06-20〕

高中英语|参加英语角的好处 The Advantages of Going to English Corner
  →作文|Since we go to school, English is one of our main subjects, the government pays special attention to the English education.In the…〔06-19〕

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