初中英语|我新学期的计划My New Term Plan
  →作文|I will be at grade two of middle school this term, I have a new plan. I want to start running after school. Running is good for he…〔03-01〕

小学英语|我喜欢小鸡 I like chick
  →作文|I like small animals. I like playing with them. My favorite animal is chick. They look lovely and like running. I also like runnin…〔01-02〕

小学英语|成为班干 To be a Class Leader
  →作文|Last week, my teacher told us that she would choose some students to be our class leaders and the students could run for it. I wan…〔12-10〕

高中英语|新的突破 The New Break Through
  →作文|It is known to all that track and field is dominated by black men, they run so fast and win many championships. Asian people can&r…〔09-16〕

初中英语|最佳的目标 The Best Goal
  →作文|I remember once upon a time, when I was running 800meters, I felt there seemed to be the impossible mission for me, I wanted to gi…〔06-15〕

小学英语|我不是小公主 I Am Not the Little Princess
  →作文|I am a lazy girl, when my mother asks me to help her with her housework, I will find some excuses and then run away. ...…〔05-10〕

初中英语|跑男 Running Men
  →作文|Running men is the hot show in Korea, in 2014, China has brought its copyright and starts to make Chinese running men. When the sh…〔01-26〕

小学英语|捉小偷Catch A Thief
  →作文|Today, when I walk on the street after class, suddenly, I see a man is run after by a policeman, though the man runs fast, he is c…〔11-26〕

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