初中英语|我最喜欢的电视节目(一) My Favorite TV Program(1)
  →作文|I like watching TV program. And my favorite TV program is Wild Life. There are many animals in that program and I will see some of…〔11-08〕

高中英语|超自然现象Supernatural Phenomenon
  →作文|I like to see US TV series, most are telling about the supernatural phenomenon, like the vampire, ghost and so on. The plots are s…〔11-06〕

大学英语|上学的理由The Reasons of Going to School
  →作文|When I saw the movie The God Must be Crazy, I was laughing so happily, the movie tells about the uncivilized world and the civiliz…〔10-20〕

高中英语|一次成功的合作A Successful Cooperation
  →作文|Last week, my English teacher gave us a task, she asked us to form a small group, each group was made up of five students, the gro…〔10-20〕

大学英语|我最喜欢的电视节目My Favorite Program
  →作文|As the fast development of the technology, people can have access to all kinds of high technologies. TV is one of them, since the…〔10-17〕

小学英语|日本卡通Japanese Cartoon
  →作文|I like to watch cartoon, especially Japanese cartoon. Everyday after school, I will ran to home, open the TV, waiting for the cart…〔10-15〕

大学英语|家长让学生抓狂 Parents Drive Students Crazy
  →作文|It is said that Chinese parents are the world’s most responsible parents, it sounds like the praise to Chinese parents,...…〔10-14〕

初中英语|旅游的意义 The Meaning of Travel
  →作文|Many people like traveling. They just feel happy when traveling. But not many people will think the meaning of travel. What is the…〔10-08〕

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