大学英语|解释还是沉默?Explain or Keep Silent?
  →作文|Silence is not always gold, we should explain things when misunderstand happens, in that case, misunderstand won’t spread qu…〔02-24〕

高中英语|分数和能力Score and Ability
  →作文|High score doesn’t mean overall ability, we should pay more attention to the ability of life, it can make sure us to be a be…〔02-24〕

初中英语|犯错误Making Mistake
  →作文|In people’s life, they will face many difficulties, most people can conquer those hard times and keep moving on....…〔02-24〕

大学英语|父母和孩子间的沟通障碍The Communication Barrier Between Parents and Children
  →作文|The communication barrier between children and parents is very family’s problem, the parents should learn to let go graduall…〔02-23〕

初中英语|沉重的作业The Heavy Homework
  →作文|the government had made some reform, the students don’t have to burden so much homework, they can have time to play. ...…〔02-23〕

初中英语|公共道德的缺失The Lack of Public Morals
  →作文|Nowadays, when we are in the public place, we can see the rubbish everywhere, people throw away the rubbish, what’s more, so…〔02-22〕

小学英语|爸爸的工作My Father’s Work
  →作文|My father is busy all the time, he goes to work early in the morning and goes home after work very late....…〔02-22〕

初中英语|打字代替写字?Typing Replaces Writing?
  →作文|The one who writes the good words will impress the other person. As the saying that writing is the reflection of a person’s…〔02-21〕

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