初中英语|文明旅游 Travel Politely
  →作文|The golden week is coming, it is a good chance for people to travel and take relax from their work. Most people choose to visit th…〔10-18〕

大学英语|女性公共场合哺乳 Women Breastfeed Babies In Public Place
  →作文|Not long time ago, a man complained about the mothers breastfeeding their babies in the bus. He thought it was a very impolited be…〔05-31〕

初中英语|微笑的重要性 The Importance of Smile
  →作文|Smile is very precious in the world. Keeping smile is a polite behavior everywhere. No matter where you go, whom you meet, smile i…〔05-08〕

高中英语|礼貌用语的魔力Magic Power of Polite Words
  →作文|Having good manners is regarded as an important part when judging a people whether he or she is a person of good taste, and using…〔04-11〕

大学英语|文明礼貌的英语作文Being Polite
  →作文|Good manners are very important in the communication of daily life. Everyone likes a person with good manners. But what are good m…〔09-13〕

小学英语|How to be a Model Student英语作文
  →小学|I want to be a model student. What shall I do? I should be polite. I should study hard. I should capful and helpful. I should walk…〔08-26〕

  →原创|友善及礼貌的重要性 The Importance of Being Kind and Polite Frankly, I think youre boring. Why do we seldom hear people speak so honestly? U…〔01-14〕

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