大学英语|植树节 The Tree-Planting Day
  →作文|When it comes to the tree-planting day, everybody knows it’s a day that call on people to plant more trees and stop cutting…〔03-12〕

大学英语|高速路该收费么?Will You be Charged for Highways?
  →作文|In recent years, Chinese government pedestals a policy that citizens can drive on the highway for free during holidays. Some peopl…〔03-10〕

大学英语|电子书和纸质书的不同The Difference Between Ebook and Paper Book
  →作文|Nowadays, with the development of the computer, people can have access to the information easily, if we want to read a novel, the…〔03-07〕

大学英语|天体浴之我见 My Views on Celestial Body Bath
  →作文|Celestial body bath is a behavior that people lying naked on the beach enjoying the sunshine, in some place in the foreign, celest…〔03-05〕

大学英语|中国应该鼓励私家车吗? Should Private Cars Be Encouraged in China?
  →作文|With the rapid development of economy in China, more and more people own their private cars. Different people have different opini…〔03-05〕

大学英语|大城市存在的问题The Problems That Big Cities Exist
  →作文|Every year, tens of thousands people crowd into the big cities to seek a decent living, a better job, a faster and more exciting l…〔03-04〕

高中英语|国际罕见病日Rare Disease Day
  →作文|We only have one earth, but this unique earth is not simple. There are many things need people to understand, to solve. Let me tak…〔02-28〕

大学英语|恐归族之我见 My Views on Home-fear Group
  →作文|In recent years, there are a group people who work far from their hometown and unwilling to go back to see their family appears, t…〔02-27〕

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