大学英语|减肥之我见 My View on Losing Weight
  →作文|When it comes to the standard of good figure, people have the stereotype, i.e., the slimmer, the better. Just open a fashion magaz…〔05-07〕

大学英语|如何预防青少年犯罪 How to Prevent Teenagers From Committing a Crime
  →作文|Today, the world is keeping their eyes on the teenagers, people pay special attention to teenagers, because they stand for a count…〔05-06〕

高中英语|别让悲伤困住你 Don’ t have sadness haunt you
  →作文|There is no doubt that everyone will encounter sad things in all his life. However, faced with sadness, different people usually t…〔05-06〕

高中英语|论旅行 Of Traveling
  →作文|More and more people now show their great interests in traveling, because traveling can bring us a lot of benefits. ...…〔05-06〕

大学英语|是否该去电影院看电影?Should we go to the cinema to watch movies?
  →作文|Nowadays, people like to go to the cinema to watch movies. They think the big screen and the incredible sound is a treat. Somehow,…〔05-05〕

大学英语|跳槽之我见  My View on Job-hopping
  →作文|Different people have different opinions about job-hopping. Some people like to change jobs frequently because they don’t kn…〔05-05〕

高中英语|男女生外貌的不同待遇The Different Treatment Between Men and Women
  →作文|Most people believe that perfect outlook will bring good luck, those people who have good looking will get succeed easier than tho…〔05-05〕

初中英语|为什么超市受欢迎? Why the Supermarket is Popular?
  →作文|Today, the supermarket is being popular, people like to go to there shopping, before, people would choose to go shopping in the op…〔05-04〕

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